
Complete list of SBCC WSR Filings

2021 Code Adoption Cycle Page 

Active Emergency Rules

WAC 51-54A

  • 2021 International Fire Code: Section 308.1.4, Open flame cooking devices, is not adopted.

WAC 51-55

  • 2021 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code: Entire code not adopted by SBCC
Expired Emergency Rules

WAC 51-11R

  • 2018 Washington State Energy Code - Residential: Provide an alternative credit path in lieu of a 11.0 HSPF ducted heat pump
    • CR-103E: WSR 22-14-095 Effective: 07/01/22 Expired: 10/29/22
  • 2018 Washington State Energy Code - Residential: Table 406.3, Additional HP Path for HSPF 10
  • 2018 Washington State Energy Code - Residential: Section 403.1 Fireplace Pilots 

WAC 51-50

  • 2018 International Building Code: Section 1613.4 and Chapter 35 Amendments to ASCE 7 Earthquake Loads 
  • 2018 International Building Code: Section 3002.4 Elevator to Accommodate Ambulance Stretcher
  •  2018 International Building Code: Elevator Pit Sprinklers Standards
  • 2018 International Building Code: Modify the effective date of Section 904
  • 2018 International Building Code: Add amended section to Section 1615

WAC 51-54A

  • 2018 International Fire Code: Elevator Pit Sprinklers Standards
  • 2018 International Fire Code: Rescind Wildland Urban Interface Amendments from 2018 International Fire Code
  • 2018 International Fire Code: Additional Guidance on Installation of Energy Storage Systems
    • 5th CR-103E: WSR 23-20-035 Effective: 09/26/23 Expires 01/24/24
    • 4th CR-103E: WSR 23-14-094 Effective: 06/30/23 Re-Filed
    • 3rd CR-103E: WSR 23-11-167 Effective: 05/24/23 Re-Filed
    • 2nd CR-103E: WSR 23-11-148 Effective: 05/24/23 Re-Filed
    • 1st CR-103E: WSR 23-04-038 Effective: 01/25/23 Re-Filed


Code Delay Due to COVID

  • Delay All Codes from  July 1, 2020 to February 1, 2021
  • 2nd Delay of all Codes From February 1, 2021 to July 1, 2021
  • Repeal WSR 21-03-047: 2018 Code Effective Date Change From July 1, 2021 to February 1, 2021

Please view the Complete list of SBCC filings to find older expired Emergency Rules 

Expedited Rules 

WAC 51-11C

  • 2021 Washington State Energy Code - Commercial Errata: General Editorial Corrections
  • 2021 Washington State Energy Code - Commercial Errata: Corrections to Equations in Section C401.3
  • 2018 Washington State Energy Code - Commercial: Errata 2 - Corrections to Table C403.3.2(3) to match ASHRAE 90.1

WAC 51-50

  • 2021 International Building Code: Modify Provisions for Family Home Childcare. (this process will begin after the off-cycle process in the IRC
    • CR-105: (TBD)
    • CR-103P: (TBD)

WAC 51-51

  • 2018 International Residential Code: Reconciling State Amendments with section renumbering in the 2018 International Residential Code.
    • CR-105: WSR 20-16-068 Filed: 07/29/20 Expires: 01/25/21
    • CR-103P: (TBD)

WAC 51-52

  • 2018 International Mechanical Code: Corrections to chapter 51-52 WAC: 2018 International Mechanical Code.
    • CR-105: WSR 22-01-025 Filed: 12/03/21 Expires: 06/1/22
    • CR-103P: (TBD)

WAC 51-54A

  • 2021 International Fire Code: Modify Provisions for Family Home Childcare. (this process will begin after the off-cycle process in the IRC
    • CR-105: (TBD
    • CR-103P: (TBD)
Off-Cycle Rulemaking 

WAC 51-11C

WAC 51-11R  

WAC 51-50 

  • 2021 International Building Code: Adopt R-4 Occupancy Group and Modify Provisions Related to Licensed Care Facilities

WAC 51-51 

  • 2021 International Residential Code: Modify Provisions for Family Home Childcare.

WAC 51-54A

  • 2021 International Fire Code: Update Sections Related to Energy Storage Systems.
    • CR-101: (TBD)
    • CR-102 Draft Language
    • CR-103P: (TBD)

WAC 51-55

Recently Enacted Rules

WAC 51-51R

WAC 51-51

WAC 51-51

WAC 51-54A

2018 Codes

2018 Washington State Energy Code, Commercial Errata - This is an errata filing to correct section references and other such editorial issues. Adopted September 10, 2020; Effective Feb. 1, 2021

2018 Washington State Energy Code, Residential Errata - This is an errata filing to correct section references and other such editorial issues. Adopted September 10, 2020; Effective Feb. 1, 2021

2018 International Building Code - This code also includes amendments for the 2018 International Existing Building Code.  Adopted July 26, 2019; Effective Feb. 1, 2021

2018 International Building Code (Pt. 2) -  Correlation issues on stair pressurization and smoke control. Adopted November 8, 2019; Effective Feb. 1, 2021 

2018 International Fire Code  - Adoption and amendment of the 2018 International Fire Code.
Adopted July 26, 2019; Effective Feb. 1, 2021

2018 International Fire Code (Pt. 2) - Correlation of existing state amendments and 2018 IFC language. Adopted November 8, 2019; Effective Feb. 1, 2021

2018 Washington State Energy Code - Commercial - Link to pdf language.
Adopted July 26, 2019; Effective Feb. 1, 2021

2018 Washington State Energy Code - Residential - Link to pdf language.
Adopted November 8, 2019; Effective Feb. 1, 2021

2018 International Residential Code - Proposed changes to the 2018 IRC, including adoption of a modified Appendix Q for tiny houses.
Adopted November 8, 2019; Effective Feb. 1, 2021

2018 International Residential Code - Additional changes correlating the whole house mechanical ventilation system with the IMC. To be posted shortly.
Adopted April 10, 2020; Effective Feb. 1, 2021
2018 International Mechanical Code - Proposed changes to the 2018 IMC, including revised requirements for whole-house ventilation. Adopted November 8, 2019; Effective Feb. 1, 2021

2018 Uniform Plumbing Code - Proposed changes to the 2018 UPC, including new requirements for water conserving fixtures.  Adopted November 8, 2019; Effective Feb. 1, 2021

Policies and Procedures

WAC 51-04

  • Policies and Procedures for Consideration of Statewide and Local Amendments - Clarifications and specifications for the process of submitting and reviewing amendments to the state building code. Adopted October 11, 2019
  • Policies and Procedures for the Consideration of Statewide and Local Amendments to the State Building Code (WAC 51-04) -- Editorial changes to the procedure for submitting state amendment proposals; changes to the scope and method for reconsideration of Council decisions. Adopted November 6, 2020