Technical Advisory Groups

The Council periodically initiates a process for review of code amendment proposals and new code requirements. The TAGs are a key part of the review process. The Council appoints experts and interest group representatives to serve on the TAGs to assist the Council by providing detailed information on state building code changes and other issues. All meetings are open to the public and active participation is encouraged.

Current Technical Advisory Groups Rosters

Technical Advisory Group Application

The purpose of TAGs is:

  • To review code change proposals as requested by the Council or Standing Committee, including proposed statewide amendments and national code changes.
  • To provide information to the Council or Standing Committee.
  • To identify proposed changes that may have an economic impact on small businesses, housing affordability, construction costs, life-cycle costs, or the cost of code enforcement, to be reported to the Workgroup on Economic Impact.
  • To conduct research into other code related matters as requested by the Council or Standing Committee.

Click here to find out more about TAG Procedures or the Council Process.

2024 code cycle Technical advisory Groups:

Future Meetings

There are no future meetings currently scheduled.

Past Meetings

Date Meeting Meeting Location Attachments
November 28, 2018

Residential Code TAG Meeting
Agenda / Minutes / Recording

Shoreline City Hall
17500 Midvale Ave N
Shoreline, Washington 98133
November 14, 2018

Residential Code TAG Meeting
Agenda / Minutes / Recording

Shoreline City Hall
17500 Midvale Ave N
Shoreline, Washington 98133
October 31, 2018

Residential Code TAG Meeting
Agenda / Minutes / Recording

Shoreline City Hall
17500 Midvale Ave N
Shoreline, Washington 98133
September 6, 2018

Energy Code TAG Meeting

August 29, 2018

Building Code TAG Meeting
Agenda / Minutes / Recording

Shoreline City Hall
17500 Midvale Ave N
Shoreline, Washington 98133
August 22, 2018

Building Code TAG Meeting
Agenda / Minutes

Shoreline City Hall
17500 Midvale Ave N
Shoreline, Washington 98133
August 10, 2018 - August 10, 2018

Energy Code TAG Meeting
Agenda / Recording

August 10, 2018

Energy Code TAG Meeting
Agenda / Recording

Smart Building--Pacific Tower
1200 12th Ave South
Seattle, Washington 98144
August 8, 2018

Energy Code TAG Meeting

August 8, 2018

Building Code TAG Meeting
Agenda / Minutes / Recording

Shoreline City Hall
17500 Midvale Ave N
Shoreline, Washington 98133