Building, Fire, Residential, and Wildland-Urban Interface Codes Committee (BFRW Committee)

The Building, Fire, Residential, and Wildland-Urban Interface Codes Standing Committee shall have oversight over all matters relating to its specific code topics, and fulfill any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the Council. The BFRW Committee may conduct research and identify and define issues relating to their specific code topic, and may develop recommendations for consideration by the Council. The BFRW Committee shall review and forward to the Council all proposed amendments to their specific code area. The BFRW Committee may also develop and propose amendments to their specific code topic.   

The BFRW Committee is regularly scheduled on the second Friday of each month. Meetings of The BFRW Standing Committee may also be called at any time by the Chair of the Committee, upon notification of all Council members and interested parties.

Future Meetings

There are no future meetings currently scheduled.

Past Meetings

Date Meeting Meeting Location Attachments
May 19, 2022 - May 19, 2022

BFRW Committee

Zoom or phone
Olympia, Washington 98504
April 21, 2022 - April 21, 2022

BFRW Committee

Zoom or phone
Olympia, Washington 98504
April 15, 2022 - April 15, 2022

BFRW Committee
Agenda / Minutes / Recording

Zoom or phone
Olympia, Washington 98504
March 17, 2022 - March 17, 2022

BFRW Committee
Agenda / Minutes / Recording

Zoom or phone
Olympia, Washington 98504
February 17, 2022 - February 17, 2022

BFRW Committee
Agenda / Minutes / Recording

Zoom or phone
Olympia, Washington 98504
September 16, 2021 - September 16, 2021

BFRW Committee
Agenda / Minutes / Recording

Zoom or phone
Olympia, Washington 98504
August 27, 2021 - August 27, 2021

BFRW Committee
Agenda / Minutes / Recording / Tracking Log

Zoom or phone
Olympia, Washington 98504
March 18, 2021 - March 18, 2021

BFRW Committee
Agenda / Minutes / Recording

Zoom or phone
Olympia, Washington 98504
December 14, 2020 - December 14, 2020

BFRW Committee
Agenda / Minutes / Recording

Governor's Emergency Proclamation
In response to the Governor’s Emergency Proclamation there will not be a physical location.
Please access the meeting via Zoom or phone number provided in the agenda., Washington 98504
November 5, 2020 - November 5, 2020

BFRW Committee
Agenda / Minutes / Recording

Governor's Emergency Proclamation
In response to the Governor’s Emergency Proclamation there will not be a physical location.
Please access the meeting via Zoom or phone number provided in the agenda., Washington 98504